TANGERINE, pumpkin, tiger
A 5 carat natural intense orange diamond set in a platinum ring design by Scott West
Natural orange diamonds
The tiger, tangerine and pumpkin tones are some of the most beautiful colors in the color diamond spectrum. Natural orange diamonds are among the very rare colors for collectors, designers and jewelry enthusiasts.
Cause of color
Orange diamonds are some of the most beautiful diamonds on earth. Within orange diamonds, the nitrogen element is also the source of color much like yellow diamonds. The difference is how the nitrogen atoms are arranged in the atomic structure of carbon diamonds. The nitrogen content and its location in the stone will decide the quality and purity of the color as nitrogen aggregates in the carbon. Yellow, brown and sometimes pink can be a secondary color natural orange diamonds.
Orange diamonds are extremely rare without any secondary colors. One of the main factors in determining the quality and value of the natural orange diamond is the strength of its color, among collectors a straight orange diamond is more rare than a yellowish-orange, pinkish-orange, brownish orange, yellow-orange, pink-orange and brown-orange diamond. However these secondary colors may offer different color shades that are very unique and beautiful.
Origin of Orange diamonds
Orange diamonds have been found in several regions in the world such as Africa and South America. According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) Orange color diamonds rarely exceed 3 to 4 carats when polished.
Historic Orange Diamonds
The largest fancy vivid orange diamond ever found is around 14 carats in size and has the world record sale at auction at $2,398,151 per carat USD. The interest in this color surged in 1997 with a 5.54 carats Fancy Vivid Orange diamond. This diamond became known as the Pumpkin Diamond because of its unusual hue and its association with Halloween.
In 2002, the “Pumpkin Diamond” gained fame when Hollywood actress Halle Berry was awarded the 74th Academy Award for best actress for Monster’s Ball. During her memorable speech as the first African American to win the Golden Statue for Best Actress, she displayed the “Pumpkin Diamond” on her pinkie finger.
A close up look at a natural orange diamond. This color shade is almost like a flame
A natural orange diamond compared to a colorless diamond.