one of a kind treasures from the Western australian mine
The 2.83 carat Argyle Violet ring surrounded by 12 vivid pink diamonds from the Argyle pink diamond mine. Designed by Scott West
The 2.24 carat Argyle Thea ring surrounded by Argyle pink diamonds. Designed by Scott West
The Argyle ballerina featuring a 1.25 carat fancy vivid pink VS2 accented by Argyle pink diamonds. Designed by Scott West
Twin Heart ring featuring a 0.75 carat fancy red SI2 (GIA) and 0.78 carat Fancy deep bluish violet. Designed by Scott West
The Magnificent 8 Bracelet featuring 5 incredibly rare argyle intense to vivid purplish pink diamonds, 2 vivid pink diamonds and 1 vivid blue in a flower designer bracelet. Designed by Scott West